April 2021: Shift your perspective and treat others the way you want to be treated

As part of RADA’s annual campaign which kicks off in March each year the topic for April focuses on those individuals working in the service industry who so often feel the scourge of unhappy customers and their emotional and sometimes irrational state of mind.

Last year at the start of lockdown in SA, the world made an effort to thank and encourage the front-line service workers, dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.   Let us continue to remember them and commend them for their ongoing efforts to save lives.

RADA asks that you also take time to think about the restaurant workers, entertainers, cashiers, domestic workers, farmers, the list just goes on, so many individuals who have lost their jobs, the very sad repercussions of restrictions placed on vulnerable industries, making it hard for many to survive. Consider the struggles of others and support where you can.  Small acts of kindness make an impact, so make that impact a positive one. Sometimes all it takes to change someone’s day, is a smile or a friendly greeting. Slow down, communicate, take the time to listen and be more understanding.  It’s a shift in perspective.

Treat everyone as your equal, with respect and kindness.  Let status become an irrelevant entity in your life. Shift your focus off yourself and aim to encourage, recognise and empathise with others and more particularly show kindness towards those who serve. Let us think before we act and let us strive towards changing the way the world thinks.

Creating awareness during April 2021 around service industry workers


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