RADA CEO and Founder, J-P Nobrega says, “The statistics around addiction and abuse are horrifying. But something that seems to get lost is the impact these addictions have on our community. The fact of the matter is that addiction fuels crime and 60% of crimes in South Africa are related to substance abuse.”
He continues, “It is our aim to encourage people to look outside their physical situation and realise that we all have choices in life.”
It is important to always think things through before acting on them and encouraging others to do the same. Peer pressure doesn’t always have to be negative. It’s important to keep yourself and others motivated in a positive way and be reminded of the bigger picture in your journey.
Remind those who are struggling with addiction, be it drugs or alcohol, that they are important, they matter and they were not created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy lives. Everyone is created to be victorious.
We can avoid making the bad choices which could lead us down the road of addiction by finding the simple things in life to celebrate —like a great piece of music, spending a fun day with the family, having a laugh with friends, go to a movie or read a good book… so when it comes to making a choice about drugs, maybe think about the great things you might lose.
RADA wants to break the cycle and it starts with you. Every individual has the power to take control of their lives, to make responsible decisions and lead a fulfilled life. Our aim, through this campaign, is to empower people to make informed decisions, to educate the youth of South Africa and to assist in giving people the tools to be their best self.
RADA has treated over three-thousand patients with a phenomenal success rate, through its sister company The Transformation and Development Centre (TDC) on an out-patient basis. RADA is currently in the process of building an in-patient facility which will accommodate up to forty patients at a time who have problems with addiction. We are glad to announce that construction is its final phase and will open its doors in 2020.
Top tips for taking personal responsibility:
- Forgive yourself
- Do not pass the blame
- Take accountability for your actions
- Recognise the problem and devise a solution
- Stop focusing on the negative and highlight the positive
- Act, don’t react
- Stop complaining and take action
Be the Way. Be the Change. One day at a time.