Civic Responsibility & BBBEE – RADA

At RADA, we believe that everyone deserves a chance for a better life – that is why our centre for renewal will benefit all South Africans

We all have a role to play in deciding South Africa’s future – and by contributing towards RADA’s fight against crime we can all secure a healthy future for our nation.

RADA has level one BBBEE accreditation status.

Whilst RADA has a very specific focus, we have realised that through our work in several communities there are many other areas where people require support and assistance. This has led to the establishment of RADA CARE.

A number of projects are being researched and established that will ultimately provide practical needed humanitarian care. The approach RADA CARE adopts is to provide support structures that are long-lasting, simple and effective, and directly serve the people who need the assistance.

Current projects include:
RADA Adopt-a-Home
RADA Patrollers Project
RADA Tough Times Project
RADA Music Project

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