April 2024: Gratitude, recognition and kindness for service industry workers

RADA Inspire is where awareness meets action, igniting inspiration and promoting positive change. Throughout April we are shining a spotlight on the often overlooked heroes working in the service industry – the nurses, cashiers, teachers and countless others who touch our lives daily.

In a frantic world filled with daily hustle bustle and deadlines, it’s easy to overlook the dedicated individuals who keep the wheels turning. Remember that morning coffee that jump started your day? Or the friendly face behind the counter who helped you find the perfect gift? Or even the patient teacher who cares for your child? These are just a few examples of the service industry workers who contribute to our well-being.

At RADA, we are deeply committed to supporting all these hardworking Individuals. With over 3,583 service industry workers in the RADA network, we have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the profound positive impact they have on individuals and communities. RADA applauds the workers who make their monthly food deliveries possible; together with the many teachers and caregivers working at the 34 RADA-adopted homes, centres and projects who make a daily positive difference to the lives of the vulnerable.

Join us as we embrace the opportunity to express gratitude in the simplest of ways: a genuine thank you, a warm smile, or a heartfelt gesture of appreciation. Together, let us ensure that their tireless contributions to society are not only recognized but celebrated. Let us start a movement of recognition and gratitude, by treating everyone with kindness and respect.

Be the Way …Be the Change …One Day at a Time.

RADA Inspire | Service Industry awareness month | April 2024


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