September 2022: Respecting our heritage

RADA inspires with a message of love, kindness and respect for others during September as we celebrate our different heritages, histories, beliefs and traditions. 

These are inherent in each one of us and we should uphold the freedom we have as humans to reflect, learn and share with those around us our unique histories that make our country so phenomenal.  Together we share a sense of community, while still being able to celebrate our differences.

Heritage month is a reminder of all the amazing things the country has to offer, despite its ongoing challenges.  Aim to shift your perspective from the negative to the positive, creating a positive web of influence among the masses.

RADA is motivated to bring about positive change to those living in South Africa by working with and supporting various vulnerable communities.  By simply participating and supporting the everyday activities within your community in a positive way, you express your commitment to a shared heritage.

It is essential that positive values be passed on to those around you.  The creation of empathy starts with you.  Respect, tolerance and understanding of others is critical in creating a safe and peaceful environment for all.

Be the Way. Be the Change. One Day at a Time.

UNDEFEATED collaboration



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