April 2022: Moving forward with kindness in your heart

RADA’s annual inspire campaign enters its second month and the focus topic for April shifts to the service industry and the frontline individuals who work to serve customers, clients and employers.

The message is simple, firstly recognise the struggles of others, empathise and encourage those around you and more specifically this month, show kindness towards those who serve.

Shift your perspective because today you could be served by someone who is tying their very best not to fall apart. Sometimes all it takes to change someone’s day, is a smile or a friendly hello. By simply deciding that today you will go about your daily activities with kindness in your heart and treat everyone you interact with, with respect, is a step towards positive progression in the world.

Secondly, encourage those around you to be brave enough to own their truth and believe that they are important. That they are worth listening to, worth spending time with and that they make a difference in the world.

We can be greater together by helping and sincerely taking care of one another. There is unity in acceptance as we celebrate our many differences. Let status become an irrelevant entity in your life and instead make a determined effort to always choose kindness.

Be the Way. Be the Change. One Day at a Time.

RADA Inspire – Service Industry awareness month flash mob at AGT Foods


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