December 2023: Rest, recharge and be inspired to change our world.

While each season comes with its personal challenges it also provides opportunities for profound growth. Be encouraged to make the most of every moment by resonating positivity and encourage others to do the same. During this time of the year, it’s important to ‘just breathe’, rest and recharge while finding inspiration for the new year ahead.

Sadly, when we reflect on 2023, conversations will include views on a year filled with conflict. We think of the many civilians who have lost so much through the senseless and relentless battles that continue. We will also engage in banter on our successes and wins of the year and how amazing it is to experience the unity we share as a diverse, proud and resilient nation.

Looking back on 2023, RADA celebrates humanitarian achievements that are aimed at empowering individuals and supporting vulnerable communities with the assistance of sponsors and countless RADA Angels.

RADA has adopted an additional 11 homes and centres during the year, with a total of 34 projects being supported monthly. RADA celebrates its ninth year in operation with a growing reach in five of the nine South African provinces and a staggering distribution of 4,338,700 meals during 2023 (1,947,312 meals for the 2022 year), with an additional donated Kia vehicle been added to the fleet.

The RADA team is proud to have empowered 4,743 young girls by providing them with sponsored reusable sanitary wear. RADA MiPads are a wash-and-wear solution, sustainable for up to five years, enabling girls to attend school when they are menstruating instead of staying at home because their families are unable to purchase sanitary pads for them each month.

RADA saves lives by introducing primary school learners to RASI, RADA’s Road Awareness and Safety Instructor. The RASI Project kicked off six months ago and has reached 982 schools in 17 regions, impacting 314,805 learners by teaching them the basics of crossing a road safely through a fun animated instructional video which can be used as an educational tool in life skills lessons.

As 2023 draws to a close we prepare for festivities and much needed relaxation with families and friends. Make a point to set aside a little personal time to reach out to the less fortunate in your community. Helping those around you may be enlightening, giving you a fresh perspective on how to handle life’s challenges. Kindness costs you nothing and many times without realizing it, the impact has multiple positive repercussions for those on the receiving end.

Life is short and should not involve being in a constant state of comparativeness or competitiveness with others. Instead, focus your positive energy on what you can do for those around you.

Let this season be one of giving and sharing with kindness, love and care, and your resolution for the future be one of positivity, committed to changing our world …one day at a time.

Be the Way …Be the Change …One Day at a Time.

RADA Events | 2023 RADA Year end parties at various homes and centres


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