May 2022: Inspiring kindness

RADA’s inspire campaign during May brings awareness to the social issue of bullying. Forced isolation brought on by worldwide restrictions and lockdowns has resulted in a rise in depression and anxiety. It has also led to more screentime, causing an increase in online harassment. Cyberbullying over social networks feels more threatening due to the anonymity associated with it.

It is important to remember that bullies are not strong and confident people, instead they are insecure, anxious and hide their many issues by dominating and controlling others.

People who are subjected to bullying may feel powerless and may develop feelings of anger, hurt and or fear, negatively impacting their levels of self-confidence which in turn affects their relationships with friends and family.

It takes an immense amount of courage to stand up and speak out instead of ignoring and accepting the bad behaviour of others. It is not an easy journey, but it is important to remember that you are never alone. You have it within you to stand your ground, take back your power and move forward. Lean on your support network and find your strength.

At RADA we believe in educating and empowering society, creating awareness and inspiring individuals to show kindness and protect the vulnerable in communities.

We all have personal struggles that we deal with on a daily basis, however, deciding to treat others with respect, tolerance, understanding, kindness and love will ultimately make the world a better, safer and more peaceful place for us all.  It costs nothing to be kind to someone else.  It’s as simple as making a determined effort each day to be kind to just one person.  Without you realizing it, that kindness could have a massive impact and be a life changing moment for them.

Be the Way. Be the Change. One Day at a Time.

Prime Circle – ‘Weapons of War’ for RADA Inspire bully awareness month – May 2022


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